sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

What is your dominant hemisphere?

Their function is to direct the learned behavior. The phenomena of consciousness, intelligence, memory, discernment and interpretation of sensations are based in physiological activities of neurons in the cerebral hemispheres.
The human brain has two hemispheres, united by “el cuerpo calloso”, which are related to very diverse areas of activity and act very different, but complementary.
The two halves of the brain are complementary. In most adults, speech centers are located on the left side. However, about 15% of left-handed and 2% of those who use right-handed, have speech centers in both parts of the brain.
Although the cerebral hemispheres have a symmetrical structure, certain intellectual functions are performed by a single hemisphere.
The dominant hemisphere of a person usually takes the language and logic operations, while the other hemisphere controls emotions and artistic and spatial skills. In almost all right-and in many left-handed people the left hemisphere is dominant.
A person that is “ambidiextro” indicates that the two halves of the brain have become so completely specialized as they are in right-handed individuals.

Receives information only on the right side of the body.
The left hemisphere processes information analytically and, step by step in a logical and linear. The left hemisphere analyzes, abstracts, account, and time, plans to step procedures, speaks, thinks in words and numbers, or contains the ability for math and reading and writing.
· This hemisphere employs a convergent thinking, getting new information by using data already available to form new ideas or data.
· Learn from part to whole and quickly absorbed the details, facts and rules.
· Analyzes the information step by step.
· Want to understand the components one by one.
The right cerebral hemisphere receives information only on the left side of the visual field and the left side of the body. The right hemisphere is responsible for visual-spatial tasks, verbal non-imaginary (as visual images, music and environmental noise), face recognition and perception and expression of emotions. It's like the receiver and handles spatial orientation, responsible for our perception of the world in terms of color, shape and location.
· Learn from everything. To understand the parts you need from the global image.
· It does not analyze information, synthesize it.
·  Is relational

There are many theories about how each hemisphere makes to how a person thinks. One theory divides thinkers into two camps: visual simultaneous and sequential linear.
According to this hypothesis, most skilled people (who use her left brain) process information in a "linear sequential" which must complete its processing before they can begin the next.

Instead, says the hypothesis, individuals whose right hemisphere is dominant, process the information with "visual simultaneous" mode in which several schemes are processed simultaneously.

• An example to understand is to imagine that there are thousands of popcorn, one of which is colored pink. An individual "linear sequential" look at the pieces one by one until you find the rose colored, while an individual "visual simultaneous" extend all, the whole visual look of popcorn and see which one is pink.

Everyone we have the cerebral hemispheres but some of them that develop and reach their full use as the following for example:
Ludwig van Beethoven
Born in Bonn, Germany on December 16, 1770. Was a composer, conductor and pianist German. His best-known orchestral productions are the Nine Symphonies, including the Third Symphony, also called Eroica in mi major, Fifth Symphony, in do minor and the Ninth Symphony in do minor (whose music the fourth movement is based in the Ode to Joy).

                                                       Joanne "Jo" Rowling.
Was born in Yate, United Kingdom, July 31, 1965, who writes under the pseudonym J. K. Rowling is a British writer, best known as the creator of the Harry Potter book series, whose idea was conceived during a train journey from Manchester to London in 1990. Harry Potter books are famous the world, winning multiple awards and sold more than 400 million copies.

Sylvester Stallone
Born in New York, New York, United States on July 6, 1946, is an actor, writer and film director.
Also known as "Sly" Stallone is considered one of the biggest stars of action films from 1970. Stallone has given birth to two of the famous Hollywood movie: Rocky Balboa, the lowly Philadelphia boxer, and John Rambo, a veteran of the war in Vietnam, specialized in missions of rescue and revenge.

Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson
He is an American ex- boxer born on June 30, 1966. He twice won the world title in the heavyweight in the 80's and was the youngest boxer in history to get a world title heavyweight.
After consolidating all the crowns get to the champions James Smith (WBA) and Tony Tucker (IBF).
In 1997, in a rematch with Holyfield was disqualified for biting Evander's right ear after the referee had warned would negate the fight, moments after starting his opponent a right ear piece.

Walter Bruce Willis
He was born in Idar-Oberstein, Germany on March 19, 1955, better known as Bruce Willis is an actor and producer, has appeared in films where he played comic roles, drama and action. Their participation has been in 60 films, among which are Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Twelve Monkeys, The Fifth Element, Armageddon and The Sixth Sense.
Willis has managed to add 2.55 to USD 3.05 billion in U.S. box office.
He has numerous awards including two Emmys, a Golden Globe and four Saturn.

George Herman Ruth
Born in Baltimore on February 6, 1895, better known as Babe Ruth, was one of the professional players from Major League Baseball's most talented and popular history. Ruth played during his early years with the Yankees. He was left side batting and throwing with his left arm performing well in this sport.

William Henry Gates III
Born October 28, 1955, better known as Bill Gates, an American businessman, founder of Software Company Microsoft on April 4, 1975, producer of personal computer operating system commonly used in the Microsoft Windows world.

Jennifer Lynn Lopez
Born in Bronx, New York, on July 24, 1969, she is an actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer and the U.S.. With their first 7 albums has sold 55 million copies. In the entertainment world often refer to her as well as J.Lo.
It is the richest person of Latin American descent in Hollywood and most influential Hispanic artist in the United States.